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The game's namesake character.

D20 Madea is a homebrew humorous Role-playing Game played by members of the Quilt City Ogres and Soil Ogres that uses the D20 Modern system and allows players to partake in the Madea universe created by Tyler Perry. Characters take the role of members or visitors of the city of Atlanta, while the Dungeon Master plays the character of Madea and keeps the game moving.


Most of the gameplay happens in Southwest Atlanta, where the Dungeon Master's rendition of Madea lives at 1197 Avon Avenue. The players typically portray members of the extended Simmons family, new neighbors, or other Atlanta residents pulled into the humorous misadventures.

Chapters that Play[]

The following chapters are know to play, previously played, or open to playing the game:

  1. Soil Ogres
  2. Quilt City Ogres

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