Ogres Wiki
The Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts

The Director, also known as the President or the Arbiter, is the person in command of the Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts.


The Director is selected from within the Board of Directors by fellow board members vote, immediately upon the voting in of a new board. This position is not campaignable. No one may declare for it until after a board election, and then only incoming board members may vote for a new director. If a tie, the previous board may hold a vote to provide a tie breaker.


The Director is responsible for the day-to-day running of O.G.R.E.s, as well as insuring all proper legalities are followed and that the organization continues to grow and flourish.

The Director has no vote on the board, unless as a tie breaker.

Current Incumbent

Incumbent's Name Chapter of Membership Member's Picture
Jake Kubitschek Quilt City Ogres Jake

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