Ogres Wiki
The Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts

The Webmaster, sometimes referred to as the Loremaster, is the person in charge of maintaining all of the O.G.R.E.s myriad of online websites.


The Webmaster is selected from within the Board of Directors by fellow board members vote, immediately upon the voting in of a new board. The position is campaignable and any candidate who ran and won while declaring intent is automatically the next webmaster. If two members ran for it and both win a seat on the board, the new members of the board vote for their preferred winner.


The Webmaster is responsible for any items or tasks given to him or her by the Director, maintaining all online locations, updating all online informational points, and is also in charge of online marketing.

Current Incumbent

Incumbent's Name Chapter of Membership Member's Picture
Steve Johnson Quilt City Ogres Steve

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