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Mummy: The Resurrection is a role-playing game released by White Wolf Game Studios, where the players assume the role of resurrected mummies living in the modern world.


In 1999, a catastrophic storm (the Sixth Maelstrom, a major event in White Wolf's metaplot) shook the Underworld and -among other things- woke Osiris from his long slumber. Osiris took a glimpse at the Earth and realised that the world was a very dark place, very much in need of his help. Osiris decided to issue an announcement to his worshipers on Earth, in which he assured them that they were not forsaken, and then he granted them a new spell -the Spell of Life- to resurrect the chosen ones who would do battle in his name. Thus the Amenti (as the newly created mummies referred to themselves) were created, armed with Hekau magic to do battle against the servants of Apophis, the game's main antagonist.


In its first inception (circa 1992) Mummy was released as a mere softcover rules supplement for Vampire: The Masquerade which allowed you to play as an immortal mummy that almost always came from ancient Egypt, though it was also possible to be originally from ancient China or the ancient Andes. This resurrected mummy character was revived by combining his original soul with his mummified body using a magical spell granted by the god Osiris himself (in the case of Egyptian mummies), ancient Inca spirits (in the case of South American mummies) or the Eight Immortals, in the case of Chinese mummies. In either case, the player characters were centuries-old, and they managed to live undetected among humans throughout history.

The Second Edition of the supplement (circa 1995) was similar to the first, mainly useful for updating rules regarding mummies and for updating mummies role into the metaplot to match the background of Vampire: TM's second edition.

Chapters that Play[]

The following chapters are know to play, previously played, or open to playing the game:

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