The Ultra City Ogres are a cyber chapter of the Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts consisting of staff members of Hex Games, a game publishing company with relations and ties to the O.G.R.E.s.
Ultra City Ogres | |
Location | | | |
Chapter Number | |
C-02 | |
Chapter Coordinator | |
Steve Johnson | |
Senior Dungeon Master | |
Joshua Burnett | |
Website | | |
The Ultra City Ogres formed between staff of Hex Games in October of 2010, after mutual interest in O.G.R.E.s and acknowledging their long-distance gaming. The group is the second active Cyber Chapter of the Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts.
- Most Valuable Player of 2011 - Steve Johnson
The Ultra City Ogres have twenty active and associate members. Publicly known members can be seen here.
Members on Ogres Wiki
The following members of the chapter have accounts here on Ogres Wiki
External Links
Back To: Ogres Wiki → Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts → Chapter → Chapter Portal → Cyber Chapters