Ogres Wiki

Min.nemoy Min.nemoy 27 October 2011


Necronomicon 2011

Why have you left me? I tried to modify the 4-2-1 con rule specifically to cram as much into the weekend as possible and still, you went by so fast. I can't believe I have to wait another year for your wonderous presence. For those interested, my house rule is: at least 4 Red Bulls, 2 bags of Skittles, and 1 bottle of Febreeze per convention day. I don't recommend this variant for n00bs. Also, warn those around you that you may sound like a dolphin on helium by the end of the convention.

As always, I had a fantastic weekend, met lots of "interesting" people, had many conversations that pushed my intellectual boundaries (and that's saying something), and played lots and lots of games. Also got to push my new group SHAG , hop…

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