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Ogres Wiki

Racconcityangel Racconcityangel 27 July 2010

Tuesday Truths: Reviewing The Gladiator... not that one.

Hey there, comrades and defectors! I'm Lacey, and this is Tuesday Truths, where we play the meddling kid to popular culture's villainous views on gaming. This week's blog will be looking at an amazing novel by author Harry Turtledove,famous for his plethora of alternate history stories.The The Gladiator was written for young adults, but carries a heavy gaming theme along with the political what-ifs of the Crosstime Traffic novels. Like many of Turtledove's alternate histories, The Gladiator takes a look at the possibility of a world that pivots on a single event in history, such as the Confederates winning the Civil War, or the Axis of Evil winning WWII. The timeline of the novel revolves around the United States of America "losing" the Co…

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Racconcityangel Racconcityangel 13 July 2010

Tuesday Truths: The Duct Tape Means It's Masterwork.

Hey there, anachronists and bystanders! I'm your loyal mythbuster, Lacey, and this is Tuesday Truths. This week, we will be considering Dungeons and Dragons' strange younger cousin, Live-Action Roleplay: LARP, for short. You know the guy: never seems to be out of character, comes to games dressed in a pointy hat? Or maybe he's the one who attends too many Ren Fairs, or Civil War Reenactments. Either way, LARP never seems quite accepted among other gamers. In a world of dorkiness, it hardly seems possible (to the average person) that there are games that have a worse reputation than D&D; and that the very mention turns your average dork into a snobby, squeamish teenage girl.

First of all, it's called live-action because you get up and act ou…

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Racconcityangel Racconcityangel 3 July 2010

Tuesday Truths: People listen to Jack Chick?!!

Hey there, samaritans and exclusionists! Welcome to Tuesday Truths, i'm Lacey and i'll be guiding you down this wacky rollercoaster ride for your soul, MWAH HA HA HA!!! I mean, today we're going to take a look at the Myth that was perpetuated almost solely by one man, Jack (MF) Chick. It goes a bit like this: If you play D&D, not only could you go to hell for playing with 'dark magic,' but you might also be so distraught over the loss of your character that you commit suicide.

The well-known 'Chick Tract' called Dark Dungeons. tells the story of a young cleric named Debbie, in a strangely female dominant Dark Dungeons game. (One might begin to think, after reading some of his writing, that Jack Chick is sorta sexist.) The tract starts out …

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Racconcityangel Racconcityangel 7 July 2010

Tuesday Truths: Gaming in Media.

Hey Boffers and Bikini Babes! Welcome to Tuesday Truths: investigating and dispelling gamer myths faster than a wizard with a fireball fetish loses an eyebrow. Forgive my tardiness, last week's blog was lost to a WMD (wikia maintenence debacle.) I shall trudge on, dear readers, as this s a subject near and dear to my heart: Gaming, and gamers, as presented in the movies, television, and webshows.

Or, as it should be called, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

First item in question: The Gamers: Dorkness Rising All Lodge wants is to finish and submit his adventure to be published, but first his party has to survive to the end of the story. The big snag here is that his group is lacking a centering force, and a valiant NPC (non-player character) …

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Racconcityangel Racconcityangel 27 May 2010

Tuesday Truths: The Elusive Girl Gamer

Welcome, Ogres and Gents, to Tuesday Truths. This week i'll be talking about the many myths related to girls in gaming. This one hits close to my heart, as i am of the female anatomy, despite the fact that there are no women on the internet (thanks to 4chan for ruining the web for us.) Obviously, female gamers exist. And, considering that i still get those strange looks (i'm weird, but not that weird,) when walking into comic stores, the common stereotype of gamers being uncomfortable around women is based in a tiny bit of fact. Pair this with the fact that there are still people in the world who don't consider women equal to men, and you get one defensive dice-slinging girl at times.

Most people have heard or experienced part of this stere…

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