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Games Portal

Valley Games Inc is a Canadian game publishing company originally composed of two game store owners: Rik Falch and Torben Sherwood.

Rik and Torben first met over a game of MageKnight at a Calgary store, the Sentry Box. As time went by, they realized that the gaming community could use a local retail store whose only goal was to ensure that every customer who left was pleased and had a game that fit their need.

Though the store continued to flourish, Rik and Torben felt that they could do even more for the gaming community by publishing games too. Valley Games was born. Their first title to reprint was Die Macher, a German title that had never been printed in English. As most gamers know, Die Macher was a game often requested for a reprint, and this type of game has become the hallmark of Valley Games Inc.

See Also[]

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